Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri

Silivri Anadolu Hastahanesi
Anadolu Hastaneleri Anadolu Hastaneleri Anadolu Hastaneleri Anadolu Hastaneleri

What is I? How is it formed?

Moles are formed by the grouping of cells that give color to the skin, which we call melanocytes. Moles can be congenital or appear over time. Familial predisposition, lifelong exposure to sunlight are the main reasons for the formation of moles. With sun exposure, the number of melanocyte cells increases in order to protect our skin, and the tendency to group together, that is, the formation of moles, is triggered. Again, sunlight can cause growth and character changes in existing moles.


Are any moles harmful? Will it turn into cancer?

Some moles are simple, benign and harmless, but some moles can grow and change color and shape over time and turn into the most malignant cancer of the skin, called malignant melanoma. Since they are frequently observed and have the potential to turn into cancer, moles should be considered important and it should be known in which cases a physician should be consulted.


What is meat me? What are the types? How is it formed?

Described as flesh me; Moles, which are mostly skin-colored and have the appearance of fluffy small stalks from the skin surface, are harmless and do not need to be treated as long as they do not cause aesthetic concern and any discomfort to the person. Meat moles can often occur in situations such as weight gain, some hormonal treatments, pregnancy or familial predisposition.


Should we pay attention to moles formed at birth?

Congenital moles are called “congenital nevi”. These moles have the potential to develop melanoma with increasing frequency according to their size. The incidence of melanoma development in giant congenital nevi is between 2% and 15%. 60% of these melanomas occur in the first 10 years of life. 40% of malignant melanomas in children develop from giant congenital nevi. For this reason, these moles should be followed very well and should be well protected from the sun. Sun protection should be applied not only on vacation or going to the sea, but also in our normal daily lives. You should apply your sunscreen cream to the face, neck, arms and hands and exposed body areas every morning and repeat every 3-4 hours.


Moles with irregular borders and an asymmetrical appearance over 5-6 mm in diameter are called “dysplastic moles”. These moles have a different appearance from ordinary moles and have the potential for malignancy. There may be light and dark brown areas in these moles, their edges are irregular. The possibility of developing melanoma from an existing dysplastic mole is extremely rare. The expected feature is that the dysplastic mole, like other ordinary moles, remains the same and does not change in adulthood. However, in the presence of change, melanoma may develop. People with these moles have a higher risk of developing melanoma on normal skin than people without dysplastic moles.


What our doctor wants to add


In my article, although I have mentioned the skin moles that you should not be afraid of and the moles that you should pay attention to the most, there are many types of moles.


 Whatever type you need to pay attention to;


If your moles suddenly increase in number

If color and size changes have developed in existing moles

If there is itching, pain, bleeding and wound formation on the moles

You should definitely consult your doctor and have your moles examined.


Except this ;


Anyone over the age of 1-50 should have a skin examination once for melanoma


2- Those with atypical (dysplastic) moles, those with congenital moles, those with multiple (50 and over) moles, those with melanoma in their family, those who have had melanoma before, those who have had other types of skin cancer should have a skin examination at least twice a year.


3- If a new mole is formed after the age of 35


4- If there is a change in an old me, it is necessary to consult a doctor.


According to the result of the examination, it will be recommended to remove the mole or to follow it at certain intervals.


Close examination of your moles with a dermatological examination and a skin microscope called a dermoscope, which you will have in the above-mentioned frequency and conditions, are of great importance in the early diagnosis and prevention of the worst course of life-threatening skin cancer, which we call malignant melanoma. I wish you a healthy life…


                                                                            exp. Dr. Sibel Duysak

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