Anadolu Hastaneleri

"Everything for your health"

Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri

Silivri Anadolu Hastanesi
Anadolu Hastaneleri Anadolu Hastaneleri Anadolu Hastaneleri Anadolu Hastaneleri



You love your partner very much. You united your soul with it, and now you will unite your body, at that time some questions are running through your mind. Does it hurt? Will I bleed? Will anything happen to me? Will we be stuck? such as fear and anxiety reactions develop and contractions occur in your body. Sometimes just your vaginal muscles contract, your legs close, trembling and a tension builds up in your body. Your relationship becomes impossible. This cycle can last for weeks, months or even years. You feel helpless and inadequate. The name of your disease is vaginismus!


Most women bring these questions to mind. Subjects such as listening to wrong experiences, talking about the first night between girls, being locked in the hospital after the legendary word-of-mouth reunion cause the woman to tense the muscles of love. These automatically come to the mind of the woman during intercourse. Normally, it is our cognitively distorted automatic thoughts that disrupt a person's well-being. Thoughts create our emotions, emotions determine our behavior. As a result of the negative thoughts I have emphasized above, anxiety and fear occur. Since this anxiety and fear is related to the vagina, the brain ensures that the vaginal muscles are tight. If our thoughts about sexuality change in a positive way and our knowledge is renewed, it is expected that there will be a change in the emotion we feel.


It is important for the couple to participate in therapy together in the treatment of vaginismus. But men often think of it as a woman's problem and send them to therapy alone. I actually interpret this sexual dysfunction as a couple's sexual adjustment problem. In order for the woman to overcome this psychological disease, which is out of her hands, the man waits, sometimes with patience and sometimes with weariness. But you do not need to wait for such a situation for a long time. Do not steal the beautiful moments you will experience in life from yourself. Because one of the diseases that respond the fastest to sexual therapies among sexual dysfunctions is VAGINUSMUSDUR. Responsibility for recovery in therapy rests with the client (couple), as in every therapy. If the couple wants to get better, there is no reason not to get well.


The most important thing to pay attention to in the treatment is to know the couple well and to apply a special treatment to the couple. There are 5 basic stages of Vaginismus Treatment.


Eliminate and neutralize physical causes

Eliminate the most visible cause of dysfunction

To investigate and eliminate the deep causes of vaginismus,

Giving and directing the necessary information for the person to have a successful sexual experience,

Helping the client treat their homework as a game and help them find names for those games.

There are some questions I pay attention to when evaluating a woman's vaginismus. These ;


- Whether the woman received adequate and appropriate warning


Whether the woman recognizes her own body's reactions


- Whether he knows how to stimulate sexually


Whether or not he is aware of how his body responds to which stimulus sexually.


- Whether he ejaculated in any way during his life also guides me when planning treatment.




Why is Sex Therapy Important?


The human brain is made up of chemicals. The brain establishes a communication network within itself. Brain chemicals enable us to think, speak, act, emotions, and all other activities that I can't count, by communicating with each other. The most well-known among the public is serotonin, the happiness hormone. I want to tell you about the other chemical that is really important between spouses. Its name is Oxytocin. The hormone oxytocin, known as the bonding hormone, brings spouses closer together. This is not just a hormone that occurs between spouses. Establishing close relationships with other people and establishing intimate relationships trigger this hormone. It comes out easiest by hugging. Hugs are free, but not many people know that it works. The basic human need is love. Love requires bonding.


Marriage is an institution that includes sexual contact. In a marriage where there is no sexual contact, the commitment of the spouses to each other is less. It is now an individual life. Physical intimacy activates the bonding hormone, oxytocin, in two people. You can reveal this hormone most easily by hugging it. This free action turns into an action that the spouses experience willingly during the dating period and that changes in their feelings when they get married.


One of the most important elements of marriage is sexual life. Marriage always evolves into a happier direction for people who have a healthy sexual life. According to research, people who can connect have higher levels of happiness and satisfaction with their marriages.


As a result of all this information, it is important for a newly married couple to reach the correct information about sexuality. The fear and anxiety that a woman experiences in her mind should be replaced with correct information, and it should not be forgotten that sexuality is an experience in which love is transferred. The level of anxiety experienced when the thought of harm is replaced by pleasure.

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