Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Home Health Guide Beware of vitamin deficiency in children!

Vitamins are components that we need in every period of our lives. However, this becomes more important in childhood. Vitamin deficiencies can cause various diseases in children as well as may occur as a result of some diseases.


Since vitamin deficiencies cause many diseases, the reasons must be investigated. In winter, it is necessary to eat foods rich in vitamins in order to protect from infections and increase body immunity. During the washing, storage and cooking processes of food, a significant part of its vitamin content is lost. If we cannot get enough vitamins naturally and their deficiencies are detected, we should use them as supplements. For example, the need for vitamin D in children increases due to the fact that we cannot benefit from the sun's rays in the winter months. Children are exposed to the attack of viruses and bacteria in their environment. When children's immune system works well, they are more resistant to microbes and reduce the risk of catching diseases.


In vitamin deficiencies, there may be complaints such as brittle hair and nails, hair loss-loss, weakness, fatigue, mouth sores, separations at the mouth, bleeding gums, visual disturbances, dandruff, muscle cramps. When vitamin deficiencies are detected, they should be treated and followed.


Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms


 Weakness , Fatigue, Depression tendency, Cramping sensation in the body


When a deficiency is detected in children with these complaints, necessary treatment and follow-up are planned.


In the neonatal period, protective vitamin D supplementation is given to infants up to 1 year of age without vitamin D deficiency.




Vitamin B12


• Vitamin B12 is found in animal foods, especially red meat.


• The only source of dietary vitamin B12 is animal foods such as meat and dairy products.


• It is mostly found in liver and kidney.




A serum vitamin B12 level of <200 pg/ml is a deficiency.




Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms


ØPernicious anemia (Macrocytic anemia),


Ø Difficulty concentrating, memory impairment, disorientation, dementia, visual disturbances, depression, confusion.


Ø Gas and constipation


Ø Pain in the mouth, flattening of the tongue, pain and loss of taste sensation.


Ø Nerve damage, gait disturbance, tingling and numbness in the hands and feet




Ø Growth-development retardation, movement disorders and megaloblastic anemia in children


In vitamin b 12 deficiencies, anemia improves in 2-4 weeks with appropriate treatment, and the duration for neurological findings is variable.




Folic Acid Deficiency




Folic Acid Sources


Green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli, asparagus, lettuce), Offal, Citrus fruits, Legumes, Egg yolks, Cereals, Fish meat, Milk, dairy products, Peanuts and almonds




Opening in the spine area (Fetuste Spina bifida)


Anemia (Megaloblastic anemia)


Palpitations, feeling of shortness of breath


•Fatigue, irritability, headache


Diarrhea, weight loss


•Red tongue




OMEGA 3 and 6


There are two types: Omega-6 linoleic acid and Omega-3 linolenic acid.




• It is found in fish (herring, mackerel, sardines, trout and salmon) and small amounts of eggs as animal sources.


• Herbal; It is found in flaxseed oil, soybean oil, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, hemp seed oil and green leafy vegetables such as purslane, dried legumes.


It is indispensable for mother-baby health, brain development, eye health, bone-joint health, cardiovascular health.






Liver, red meat (100 grams liver 4-5 mg iron), Dark green leafy vegetables, Fish, Legumes, Nuts, Fresh and dried fruits, Eggs


Causes of Iron Deficiency




Early cow's milk intake, Early transition to solid foods, Insufficient intake of vitamin C, Less consumption of red meat, Excessive tea drinking, Use of breast milk alone after 6 months, Low socioeconomic status (frequent infection)




2- Increased iron requirement;


 Low birth weight babies, Premature babies, Adolescent


3-Blood loss


4-Decreased absorption; Antacid therapy/high gastric pH Malabsorptions, H.pylori






Paleness, restlessness, loss of appetite, Quick irritability, Exercise intolerance, Getting sick often, Soil eating, pica, Difficulty swallowing, Indifference to the environment, lack of attention, Concentration, behavioral changes, Sleep disorders, Disorders in mental-motor development tests


Appropriate treatment of iron deficiency should be treated for another 6-8 weeks after blood count returns to normal.


Preventive iron therapy is given in infants between 4 months and 1 year of age without iron deficiency.








In hemoglobin synthesis, Bone development, Collagen metabolism, As an enzyme cofactor, Insulin synthesis, storage and release in pancreatic β-cells






Spinach, red meat, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, cheese, milk, artichokes, eggs, bananas, tomatoes, peas, dark chocolate




In zinc deficiency


Skeletal development disorder, Hair loss, nail breakagethere will be change. Vaginismus is not an incurable disease. Sex therapy is a very effective treatment method in this disease. You need support.


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