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Home Health Guide What are the Types and Causes of Urinary Incontinence in Women?
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Anadolu Hastaneleri
What are the Types and Causes of Urinary Incontinence in Women?
Op. Dr. Fümerel İNCE
Silivri Anadolu Hastanesi
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 In the menopausal age, especially as a result of the decrease in estrogen activity and the weakening of the connective tissues that support the bladder, urinary incontinence complaints occur with great frequency. Especially in a conservative society like ours, these complaints cannot be easily expressed and voiced. For this reason, although it is not very easy to calculate what percentage of women over a certain age have complaints of urinary incontinence and to create scientific data, it is estimated that approximately one in three women who reach menopausal age have complaints of urinary incontinence.
One of the important features that can be emphasized on the subject is that the fertility rate in our country is above the world average. It is known that complaints of urinary incontinence are more common in later ages, especially after difficult, vaginal births. Now, it is necessary to expand from this point and talk about the causes of urinary incontinence and the factors that pose a risk in the emergence of these causes.
 As I have just tried to emphasize, the weakening of the tissues supporting the uterus, the last part of the intestine and the bladder, especially with advancing age and more importantly from the menopausal age, can lead to urinary incontinence complaints. As I mentioned, when we look at the fertility rate in our country, we can see that the increased number of births, large babies, intervention and difficult births such as the use of vacuum at birth, or a small number of births
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