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Anadolu Hastaneleri
Home Health Guide  Health-Friendly Foods and Heart Health Recommendations...
Anadolu Hastaneleri
Anadolu Hastaneleri
 Health-Friendly Foods and Heart Health Recommendations...
Uzm. Dyt. Ahu ÖZVAR KUZU
Silivri Anadolu Hastahanesi
Anadolu Hastaneleri Anadolu Hastaneleri Anadolu Hastaneleri Anadolu Hastaneleri
     Cholesterol is a type of blood fat called a lipid, a waxy substance found in foods of animal origin and in all cells. Cholesterol is widely distributed throughout the body, especially in the brain, nerves, heart, muscles, intestines and liver. The body uses cholesterol to produce hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that digest fats. A small amount of cholesterol in the blood is sufficient for these processes. . Excessive amounts of cholesterol in the blood gradually build up in the blood vessel wall and increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, blocked arteries, kidney failure, etc. It builds up in the blood vessels and leads to hardening and narrowing of the blood vessels (atherosclerosis).
 Animal fats and cholesterol, which we call lipids, are extremely important building blocks of cell membranes. Although cholesterol is perceived as a blood fat, it is not a fat at all, but a steroid and an anti-inflammatory (inflammation-fighting) substance called cortisone.
      There are many factors that affect blood cholesterol levels. Some of these factors are preventable. Some of them are;
=> The food we eat
=> Hereditary factors
=>Obesity (especially abdominal adiposity)                             
=> Factors such as stress raise cholesterol and malignant cholesterol.
=> Regular exercise increases benign cholesterol and decreases malignant cholesterol.
- REDUCE FAT: Total fat consumption in your diet should not exceed 30 percent of energy:
- Eat
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